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Arisia 2016 Schedule


As some of you already know, I'll be at Arisia 2016 this MLK weekend as a guest panelist and speaker. My schedule is below, but if you can't make it to the panels and have a question, feel free to approach me in the hallways.

Come join the whimsy!

Friday 11:30 pm - Marina 3: Your Kink is Okay!

No matter how outlandish someone's proclivities are, there are still things that they will find freaky about other people. Why is it that some who engage in one unusual behavior look down on another? We'll discuss various activities and maybe discover that "those people" aren't quite as freaky as you might have thought before. 18+ only.

Saturday 10am - Grand Ballroom CD - How to Write a Fight Scene

Come find out how viable your fight scene really is. An experienced panel of talented authors, martial artists, and maybe one hapless would-be victim will take your quick fight scene and act it out while our esteemed panelists help you work out the physical and literary kinks. Please no epic wave battles.

Saturday 2:30pm - Marina 4 - Arisia Fixes Hollywood!

You'll thank us, George Lucas! We've all said it: Hollywood sucks. Producers and directors screw up licensed properties, botch original scripts, wouldn't know what to do with anyone other than a straight white male nine times out of ten, and cater to the lower possible common denominator. Well, now there's hope; your panelists have been given absolute control of our hypothetical Hollywood, and will tell you everything that's wrong, and just how they'd fix everything that's wrong.

Saturday 5:30pm - Marina 3 - How to Flirt Like a Pro!

Come for my tips on How to an Introvert!

Flirting, like any skill, can be learned and gets better with practice. Our panel of experts are here to help! They will discuss and maybe even demonstrate ways to flirt like a pro, and what never to do under any circumstances!

Sunday 7:00pm - Hale - Pulling the Emotional Strings

I'll moderate a panel of expert writers who can tell you how to get your readers to laugh, cry, or turn pale in horror from your printed words. We'll solve such thorny problems as: How do you keep readers in suspense for an entire story? What techniques work to evoke empathy/sympathy for the characters so that your readers feel what they feel?

Monday 10am - Burroughs - Read All the Things!

I'll moderate this panel and make sure Sarah Winters is represented! Sure, we have limited reading time, but there are some authors whose works clamor to be read in their entirety! Which authors? Come to this panel and find out! Each panelist will discuss the author whose complete works they deem absolutely essential. Come develop your reading list for the next year!



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