Happy 2019, Dear Readers!
2018 was an amazing year--thank you again SO MUCH for all your love and support! I read, appreciate, and consider every review, every comment, and I'm grateful for every "Like" and "share." I can't say thank you enough! I'm thrilled that Syl and Rouen's story resonates with so many people, from folks in the LGBTQIA+ community and beyond.
I'm gearing up for a great 2019, and I hope you're as excited as I am. ;)
Here's what's on tap:
Arisia - Boston, MA. January 18-21
RavenCon - Williamsburg, VA. April 5-7
IYWM - Greensburg, PA. June
Circuit Fae 3.5: REKINDLED - 3/26
Circuit Fae 4: NEMESIS - 9/10
? Circuit Fae 4.5: prequel to EIDOLON
You might be wondering why I'm spacing out CIRCUIT FAE releases a bit more. Two reasons:
1. In October last year, I signed with Linda Camacho of Gallt & Zacker Literary Agency for a dream project I've been working on for a long time. It's high-concept epic fantasy YA about (you guessed it) two girls who are mortal enemies who kick ass, take names, and fall in love against the odds--all while saving the world! I can't divulge the real name, but for now, we'll call it BladeHeart.
2. I'm also preparing to launch my second series with Firefly Hill Press! Super-exciting! As always, I'm sworn to secrecy, but I can say, if you pay attention in REKINDLED, you might catch a hint about Series Two.
That's it for now, pretties! Check back frequently, as I'm always updating my schedule as new opportunities arise or subscribe and never miss a blog post!
I hope the year ahead brings you all good things!