It's official! CIRCUIT FAE: MORIBUND is an Amazon Best Seller!
I feel honored to be on the lists with such amazing reads as CRIER'S WAR and GIDEON THE NINTH (which is next on my reading list--yay!)
Thank you so much to all the readers, reviewers, bloggers, friends, fans, and family who've supported me and this series! It's very close to my heart because, growing up, I didn't have any books like these at all, where teen lesbians had romance and adventures. Heck, I never really thought books like this would ever exist.
So in a way, these are kind of a love letter to my younger self, trying to tell her that it's okay--you're doing great, kid.
And I'm so glad and honored to hear from readers who tell me they see themselves in Syl and Rouen. I always knew the kind of book I'd want to read as a teen.
I hope I got it right, y'all.